Monday, November 28, 2011

You can't make a wolf stop howling at the moon

Hi there,

Libby here. I am sad to say, I have some bad news to share.

I know it's not a great idea to open a post with something maudlin but, I figure, better to tell you fast and get it over with; like ripping off a bandaid.

Well, remember Zorro? My gentleman caller of a few weeks ago? He has passed on to the big litter box in the sky. I hope he is in a better place, surrounded by loads of catnip and oodles of treats.

A moment of silence for Zorro....

And, we're back! After a very respectful week long mourning period (in cat years, that's FOREVER), I got back on my game and went exploring at PPAC.

I needed to see if there were any new viable candidates for my affections.

Let me tell you, I'm making out like a bandit.

First, we have Joey "Chestnuts" and then, the lovely Gizmo (no nickname).

Joey is totally adorable. He's an orange tabby and he's "connected". As in the mob. I think he'd be a good kitty to have watching my back. And as I said, he's quite a looker to boot.

Then we have Gizmo. He's a cutie-patootie gray tabby. Also super cute.

I have my work cut out for me but at least I don't ever need to be worried about being lonely.

Until next time...

Ladies, watch out!

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