Tuesday, November 15, 2011

All the Pretty Colors

Libby here.

I’ve been thinking about all the pretty colors.

Red. Brown. Green. Beige.

Don’t worry…I’m not going color blind and reminiscing about the colors I used to see.

These colors are in fact, the ones I now have the good fortune of seeing every day.

The waiting room at Prospect Park Animal Clinic was recently redone; all the couches and chairs were re-finished and re-upholstered.

Before, the room, with it’s monotone couches, was missing a certain je-ne sais quois. Now, it has been found.

And now, for some other colors.

White. Black. Orange.

Those are the colors of the kitties and doggies’ fur who come to visit the Prospect Park Animal Clinic and who are sure to leave some remnants of themselves on the furniture when it’s time for their appointment.

Good thing these colors all go well with each other.

Come by and take a look, it’s an eye catching rainbow!

Until next time.


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