Friday, November 11, 2011

There's not much that's cuter than a kitten.

Hey Guys,

Libby here, again.

What's new? Anything exciting happen over your week?

I had a VERY exciting week. In fact, I'm kind of kvelling over here.

You want to know why? Well, I'll tell you; we have kittens!

No silly, I didn't have kittens. 
That would be kind of impossible if you know what I mean (get it? nudge nudge).

Prospect Park Animal Clinic has kittens. Take a look at their adorable punums!

These three little guys are soo cute!

I tried to convince the office staff to let me adopt one but, for some reason, they didn't seem to keen on the idea of my being a mom a second time around (yup! I have a few little ones of my own).

Anyway, it's pretty great having the babies around.

I feel my maternal instincts kicking in and I gotta say, there is not much in the world that is as precious as a tiny little kitten.

Don't believe me? You should come by and see for yourself.

And while you are here, you might as well give me a little back rub.



Talk to you soon!


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