Monday, December 12, 2011

My Hero!

Hey everybody!

Do you remember Joey? Of course you do. How could you not. He was the love of my life.

Ok more like the love of the week but we were pretty hot and heavy there for a while.

And then I moved on to this other guy for a bit.

Anyway my love life is actually not the focal point of this particular post.

But, Joey is.

And that's because today, Joey "Chestnuts" did a wonderful thing for a fellow feline.

We had a bit of a situation here at the PPAC the other day and Joey came through with flying colors.

A stray kitty came in, very close to meeting the big cat in the sky. He was desperately in need of blood.

And Joey, being the valiant and noble cat that he is, bravely offered up his vein and allowed his blood to be drawn and donated to said kitty in need.

He saved another cat's life!
I'm starting to think it's time to give Joey a second look.

What a guy.

Til next time.


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