Monday, November 21, 2011

Shake your groove thang!

Hi Guys,

Libby here.

Now I don't usually do this but I just can't help myself this once.

I wanted to take this opportunity to give a shout out to my girl Taryn.

In addition to being an all around great woman, Taryn also has other secret talents. That girl can belt it out!

Bet you didn't realize that.

And I don't just mean plain old singing, I mean American Idol caliber talent.

How do I know this to be true?

Check out her amazing performance, here:

So as it turns out, she happens to be a class A singer in addition to being a rockstar with the animals.

Get it...she's a double rockstar!

Anyway, surrounded by all the super talented employees at the PPAC, I wanted to take this little opportunity to give props where props are due.

Next time you see her, give her a pat on the back. She rocks!

Till next time,


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