Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Here comes the story of the Hurricane

Hi guys!

Libby here.

I know everyone's probably writing about lil Ms. Irene, the hurricane, but, I'd be horribly remiss if I too didn't contribute my weekly post to her as well.

Following hot on the heels of that crazy earthquake we had last week (what the heck was that all about?!), park slopers were in a well deserved tizzy!

The day before the storm, it was all everyone could talk about.

I heard Dr. Silverman's wife talking about how she needed to bring in her beautiful potted plants from the front steps for fear they'd get carried away in the winds.

And it made this kitties' heart warm to see the staff of PPAC all over volunteering to help come in and treat the animals in the office during the storm. In a rare departure from my usual sarcastic self, I really have to commend these fine folks for their devotion to the puppies and kitties of Prospect Park Animal Clinic.

Windows taped up, bathtubs filled with water (to help flush the toilets in case they stopped working, of course) and flashlights at the ready, Brooklyn prepared to face the storm.

Luckily, I spent most of the storm in relative comfort, warm in a cage, nuzzled up against Joey.

That kitty kept my fur unruffled and my heart warm during the storm.

And after all that, it seems that other than some flying branches and a bit of selective flooding, the fine citizens of Park Slope, Brooklyn, managed to come out of the storm relatively unscathed.

Though I could have sworn I saw the wicked witch fly by on her broomstick at one point.

Till next time...


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