Wednesday, September 28, 2011

By This Point

Hi there,

Libby again.

By this point, I hope you have gotten over feeling sorry for me because of that whole "one-eyed" thing.

I know I told you not to worry about it but, as a pet lover, it would be pretty hard for you to not feel a little bit sorry for a poor one-eyed kitty. (Insert sympathy vote here)

Since we've already gotten that out of the way, I think I should share some other things about myself.

They will probably also make you feel bad for me.

You might get a little upset.

But don’t. It’s not worth it. And since it doesn't really bug me, it shouldn't bother you either. Capish?

However, in the interest of being a “full-disclosure” type of cat, I don't think it would be fair to start our relationship with lies.

So here goes.

My bowels don’t work so well. I kind of need the folks at PPAC to rub their hand over my stomach. And by rub, I mean press. And squeeze. And then press and squeeze some more—until I have a bowel movement. I don’t really enjoy that part so much so they have to hold me by the scruff of my neck while they do this. This is not comfortable. And it happens a few times a day. You can feel a little bad for me here.

Oh…and I sort of can’t pee either. Well I can but they have to do the same press squeeze thing around three times of day. Imagine the fun and games that process entails!

And while we’re at it, my tail doesn’t wag. It's pretty sad to see a tail that doesn't wag. It seems a bit unnatural I guess. But you get used to it.

I know…I probably sound like a pretty pitiful creature but at least there’s sushi.*

Hope you’re as entertained as I am.


*Please refer to "It's Not All That Different" for reference.

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