Monday, July 9, 2012

Utterly Pointless and Completely Adorable

Hi All,

Libby here.

I hope you all had barbecue and firework filled, thundershirt-free Fourths of July (and by the way, if you haven't heard of the thundershirt, that link bears clicking!)

So, I know that for the past few weeks, my posts have been less than well... lighthearted.

Being a writer, especially for a vet's clinic, can be difficult at times. On the one hand, I want to make sure my posts are informative and educational and teach positive eating and lifestyle habits, blah blah blah blah.

On the other hand, being a creative individual, I also love to be able to express myself through the written word and to share some of my personal interests through this blog. Yes, there is a strong likelihood that you are thinking to yourself right at this very moment, 'I didn't realize how intelligent cats were.' Well, there you have it. I like to be a source of never ending surprise.

Anyway, the point of my little diatribe there was to say that this week, I want to share some of my favorite websites with you. Now, if you were unaware, animal related websites and blogs are some of the most popular on the internet. (I for instance, have about twenty-five steady readers!) Beginning with the lolcats phenomenom, people have gone absolutely mad for adorable animals. Just look at cuteoverload. Nuff' said.

Obviously, the internet continues to evolve, constantly finding new ways for animal people to get their fill. There's even a facebook page for dogs- dogbook, where you can make Fido his very own page and even give him little friends. How cute. Awwww.

Well, my personal favorite animal indulgence site, in this vein, is buzzfeed, specifically, their animal section. What buzzfeed does is basically make top 25 lists (or top fifty, twenty-two, thirty-six or whatever arbitrary number they decide to use on a given day) and upload videos and pictures of super cute pets doing super cute things. Like this dog enjoying the air-conditioner or this cat swimming in the ocean.

So, in case your own cuddlies don't give you enough reason to coo, ooh, ahh or talk like a baby, (by the way, we're not into that-as aforementioned we're not nearly as dumb as you think we are) I'll leave you with a few of my personal favorite adorable links for the day. Here are some dogs in reading glasses and these cutie-patootie mini pets.

Enjoy and check back in with them every day for even more adorableness.

Hope you have enjoyed this completely indulgent and non-educational post.

Til' next time,


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