Monday, June 25, 2012

Heat Wave!

Hi All,

Libby here.

Just like the song, it really is a Heat Wave!

After a relatively mild spring, we have been blessed (or cursed) with this insane heat and humidity!

As much fun as warm weather can be with beach outings, pool parties and even more excuses for cold beers, it behooves me to remind you of some warm weather safety tips. When you're out and about having fun, it's sometimes hard to remember that too much sun and heat can be harmful to you. Well, same goes for your pets. 

Unlike humans, dogs (and outdoor cats) can't exactly lather on the sunblock. Which  means you need to take different precautions. Here's some warm weather tips:
  • Always be sure to carry around a pet water bowl so furry friends won't get deyhdrated
  • Alternate time in and out of doors so pets are never overexposed to the sun
  • Never lock a dog in a car with the windows closed
  • If you are out all day, be sure to open windows or leave fans on to keep your pets cool
  • Don't let pets run around outside too much in extreme heat
Aside from my obvious desire for 'safety first' (I know- so not in my character, right?!) you might be wondering why I'm being so dogmatic (haha) about this. In fact, I had originally been planning on writing about another equally savory topic this week- rat poison to be specific- but altered my plans at Dr. Silverman's suggestion. The reason behind this suggestion, is that something terrible happened this week; a dog was brought in DOA as a result of dehydration and the heat. I's terrible and the worst part is, it could have been avoided.

So boys and girls, kitties and doggies, what I'm trying to say to you is, some people love spending time outside and bringing their pets, too. But if you insist on subjecting yourself and your furry friends to this weather (Lord only knows why!) then take a safe approach and do everything you can to protect you and your pets. OK?

Be safe.

Til next time,


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