Monday, July 30, 2012

Thyroids and Tablets

Hi All,

Libby here. I hate to state the obvious but do you know we're about half way through the summer? It's just flown by. Though from my vantage point, I have no real indicator of time passing other than the relative amount of sweat on people's shirts marking the passing of the hot summer months.

Anyway, as you may recall from last week, I am in a magnanimous mood and to that end, will be sharing the honor of writing for the PPAC blog with a number of my friends. This week, Madeline Silverman will have the privilege of sharing her tale of woe; she has a thyroid issue that just won't quit. So without further ado...

Hi! I'm Madeline Silverman and I have a thyroid issue. Only problem is, I have reservations when it comes to taking my medicine. My parents (Dr. and Mrs. Silverman) have tried multiple different ways to administer said medicine, sadly, to no avail.

Their first attempt involved trying to pill me. A mere glance at this pill had me bolting in the other direction. I don't know why I was so scared but...they don't call us scaredy cats for nothing.

The next attempt was an ointment that was supposed to be rubbed on the inside of my ear. This medicine would then sink into my ear and make me all better. I was pretty strongly against this procedure as well.

Third times a charm? Not so much...Dr. S tried to change what I eat- he put me on a prescription diet called YD. Unfortunately, this food didn't conform to my refined palette and I turned my nose up at it. I continued to get slimmer as a result of my thyroid and shed any extra pounds I had on my already girlish figure.

Next came a chew-able tablet that was mixed in with my food. This was the best attempt of the bunch but I was picky about how often I was willing to eat the medicine and it doesn't quite work like that.

Finally, Dr. S. changed his tack and gave me a liquid medicine which mixed in nicely with the delicious gravy of my canned cat food. I found this to be remarkably edible and I have been improving health-wise ever since.

So the moral of the story? Even the finnickiest of animals, resistant to most types of medication, have their 'bending point'. Persevere and your vet will find an answer.

Thanks for not giving up on me and for persevering until you found something that worked for me, Dr. S. I feel much better.

And thanks Libby for letting me contribute!


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