Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekend at Robbie's

Hi All,

Libby here.

Today, I have a special treat for you all. You've seen the breadth of my talents and my abilities to write about topics ranging from medical maladies to comical conquests. I've sufficiently proven my abilities. I'm clearly a talented writer.

But, everyone needs a break now and then and this kitty isn't getting any younger. So, I've decided to give myself the summer off and have some guest writers contribute to my weekly musings. Don't be fooled-I'm still the ringleader. The puppet master. I call the shots. But, everyone needs their fifteen minutes in the spotlight and I want to help give that to some of my less fortunate buddies (ie-those who don't have their very own blog).

So, without further ado, allow me to introduce Bernie Silverman who's going to share a tale of his weekend in the country. (That's Bernie down there. I guess he tuckered himself out from his big getaway).

Hi!!! I'm Bernie! You might know me better as Dr. Silverman's family
 dog. Anyway, Libby asked me to help her with a post for this week which is so cool! I love Libby. I'm not as good a writer as Libby but, I thought it would be fun to share my top ten favorite parts of my weekend in the country.

1. My buddies Thelma and Louise (they come to the PPAC, too!)

2. Running in the road with the Silverman girls (but, for some reason, everyone got nervous about me being in the road so I burrowed back under the fence and got back on the lawn)

3. Taking a poo in the beautiful farmhouse-the carpet was soooo soft!

4. All the delicious crumbs! Everyone seemed to eat non-stop all weekend and that meant I did, too!

5. Going to the bathroom in the grass- who doesn't love the smell of fresh grass?

6. Sniffing EVERYTHING!

7. The pool! Sadly, I couldn't actually go in the pool but it was nice lying on the beach chairs.

8. Tyler's donut. His loss, my gain. Nuff' said.

9. Spending the whole weekend with the Silverman girls. I miss them so much since they moved out!

10. The car ride. I got to rub my nose all over the window and I didn't puke once!

Hope that fits the bill, Libby. Thanks for letting me help out.

Big slobbery wet kisses,


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