Monday, July 16, 2012

Long Live Cats!

Hi All,

Libby here. Are you beating the heat? This weather is oppressive! But you probably know that even more than I do. All of you outside-venturing folks are survivors!

Well, today I want to talk about some other mammals who seem to have become survival experts.


Now, you've heard of CATS the musical, right? I mean they don't just make plays about anyone!

I like to think they wrote songs about us because of our longevity.

So, to further substantiate my claim, here's a little story about a cat named Skidmark formerly known as Calvin. Now Calvin was brought into the PPAC around eight years ago at the age of 16 because of bad behavior. He had some aiming issues when it came to the litter box.

His owners brought him in with the intention of sending him off to meet the big guy in the sky but Dr. S. discouraged the owners because he didn't feel the punishment fit the crime. He asked to keep the cat alive and keep him as an office kitty.

Over the course of eight years, Skidmark became a beloved member of the PPAC staff. He donated blood when a cat was in need and was always there to rub up against someones leg. While living at 105 PPW, he battled cancer, kidney disease, arthritis and bowel disease. But he was a survivor and beat them all because of the TLC administered by the staff of the PPAC.

At the ripe old age of 24, just this past week, Skidmark finally departed for the big litter pan in the sky. Even though he still had an appetite, he was unable to stand up and the PPAC staff took pity on this poor, old soul and put him to sleep.

Skidmark was a trooper. A good friend. A testament to the fact that cats are slowly but surely taking over the world and living longer with each passing year. I will miss him dearly and his legacy will live on.

Til next time,


In memoriam-Skidmark: 1988-2012

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