Monday, June 4, 2012

Taking Care of Business (And Your Pet's Mouth)

Hi All,

Libby here. You've probably seen the Orbit campaign extolling the virtues of clean mouths.

Ok so maybe those commercials are not the most realistic representations of dental hygiene but, they do have a good take away message- take care of your teeth (that is the message, right? anyway...)

Well beloved pet parents, it's just as important for you to take care of your pet's mouths as it is to take care of your own.

I raise this very important issue because a kitty was recently brought in to the PPAC with one of the worst cases of dental neglect I've ever seen! This poor guy came in with a swollen lower jaw and a fever of 104.When Dr. S. anesthetized him, it turned out that one of the kitty's beloved 'fang teeth' otherwise known as canine teeth, (yes, I have grasped the irony) had a root that was eroded. The erosion was so bad that it had also eaten away at the surrounding bone, causing his jaw to break. Although the offending tooth was subsequently removed, this whole situation could have been avoided!

Unfortunately, oral hygiene in cats and dogs is often overlooked as an unimportant factor in a pet's overall health. Since cats and dogs can't exactly be masters of their own destiny when it comes to taking care of their teeth and gums, the onus falls on you to make sure they have healthy mouths.

I mean think about it, when you are leaning in to get a kiss from your honey, what's a big turnoff? Smelly breath, right?

So why do people seem to not care all that much about their pets' stinky breaths? It's not easy meeting a pet soulmate out here. Much less so when we open our mouths to make a move and out comes a foul smelling, fish-esque stench.

The good news is, there is a way to take care of this bad breath epidemic.

Regular oral hygiene and annual visits for cleanings will leave your pets' mouths in much better shape.

So do us all a favor...take care of your pet's dental hygiene. I promise you. Everyone will be happier as a result.

Til' next time,


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