Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Belated Father's Day

Hi All,

Libby here.

Do you know what yesterday was?

It was father's day!!! That's right. A day dedicated to celebrating all the daddies in our lives. A day of picnics and baseball games and barbecues. A day to honor the men who taught us how to catch baseballs (or catch mice!) It's so nice that many of you out there can experience father's day.

But here's a little sob story from moi. I never knew my daddy :( My momma raised my siblings and I until we were old enough to leave the nest and embark on our own journeys.

So, I traveled around and ended up in the lovely neighborhood of Park Slope Brooklyn.

And now, you're probably wondering how I came to live at the PPAC, right?

OK! I'll tell you! About eight years ago, I was hit by a car. A generous soul found me on independence day and took pity on me by bringing me into the PPAC. I bet you didn't realize it but my name is short for Liberty. Since I was found on Independence day...well, the name just seemed to fit.

Anyway, the good news is, even though I don't recall who my actual father was, I have been fortunate enough to have a number of father figures in my life.

Since coming to the office, Dr. S. has treated me like one of his own as have Brian and Dr. Quim. They spoil me with love, bring me treats, rub my belly. They definitely compensate for my not remembering my real dad.

I'm a lucky kitty to have so many special men in my life. And I'm writing to remind each of you who know your daddy and have the opportunity to spend the day with him, to do so and show him a lot of love. They're special guys.

Til next time,


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