Monday, June 11, 2012

And Then There Were Three

Hi All,

Libby here.

It may seem like I am #trending tales of woe. But I'm not- it's more par for the course what with the whole doctor's office thing. Sometimes, sad things happen. And I write about them. So shoot me.

Anyway, this week I have a story about a kitty who came in to the PPAC with a bump on her head. Now at first, it seemed like the type of bump incurred by being dropped on your head as a baby (har har...imagine that with the whole scruff carrying thing). Just to confirm that nothing was amiss however, Dr. S took an X-ray of the bumpy cat and saw that the bump was not eating away at any bone—the possibility of cancer seemed low.

Fast forward a few months and the owners brought the same kitty back in because the bump appeared to be growing.

This time, when a biopsy was taken, the bump turned out to be malignant. The poor gal had cancer :( The owners however couldn't bear the thought of their beloved pet suffering through chemotherapy or radiation and decided to offer different sorts of treatments to make the cat feel comfortable.

Fast forward another five months or so and mom and dad brought their cat in for a check up only to find out that the condition had continued to worsen. At this point, Dr. S. offered euthanasia because the kitty seemed to be in pain. The owners agreed to putting their furry friend out of her misery.

Now, if you've ever lost a pet, you know how devastating it can be and what a hole it can make in the chink of your family's armor. But, there's always tons of pets looking for homes out there so, in an uncharacteristic attempt to find the silver lining, let's think of a pets passing as the closing of one door and the opening of another.

So...after their mourning period was over, the pet parents decided to adopt Ducky! Remember that huge orange furball of a cat? Who was sooo sweet and who was featured in my 'adoption post' a few weeks back? Well, now he lives with this family.

You know what that down, three loving kitties still looking for homes!

Til' next time,


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