Monday, May 28, 2012

Barbecues, Dog Tags and Days Off

Hi All,

Libby here.

I hope you all are having fabulous Memorial Day Weekends. Gotta love any excuse for a day off, right?

I want to take this opportunity to pour one out for my homies. My fallen comrades. My late great buddies.

Although I am specifically talking about each and every feline (and doggy) currently resting in perpetuity, I am speaking more broadly about the foreign soldiers who we commemorate on this Memorial Day.

The connection between these two groups of individuals? Well, you've heard of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, right? Well, kitties and doggies sadly have those too. Each and every one of us has likely heard the sad tale of a stray animal who passed away without any identification.

It's funny. I feel like most people don't really think about what Memorial Day is all about. We view it as a chance to barbecue, hang out at the beach, go to people's country houses, and chill out.

And don't get me wrong. It's definitely about that to some extent. But it's also really about honoring those who are no longer in our lives. People (and animals) who's memories we want to preserve and honor.

So there's a little patriotism from yours truly. And some love and honor for those animals who have gone to meet the big kitty/doggy in the sky. Coz what's memorial day without a bit of memorializing, right?

As always, this wouldn't be a real 'Libby Post' without a good natured bit of griping. So I leave you with this question. Why do they call them 'Dog Tags?'

Chew on that.

Til next time,


1 comment:

  1. You must have a tag for your cat, if the cat lost any where anyone can get it back to you because the tag will contain your information.
    Now a days the people also use the plastic key tags for this purpose.
