Sunday, May 20, 2012

One Stray, Two Stray, Red Stray, Blue Stray

Hi All,
Libby here!

Have you been outside? It's GORGEOUS out. Not that I'd really know...i'm more of an inside- cat type.

But, based on the slightly flushed faces and semi-sweaty bodies continually gracing the Prospect Park Animal Clinic, I can tell it's getting warm out.

And, it just looks downright pretty outside the window in the exam room where I like to perch sometimes.

With beautiful weather comes barbecues, pool parties, concerts in the park and opportunities for growth. And by growth, I don't mean flowers blooming,

I do mean adding to your family!

Not having children, sillly!...That's not really my business now is it?

Nooo I mean adding some furry friends to your family. Seems to be the season for stray cats because right now, the PPAC has not one, not two, not three but FOUR cats up for adoption.

Four adorable little punums looking for love.

We have Melody, a sweet, striped little lady, Ducky, a big orange cat with gorgeous golden eyes, the famous Lindsay Lohan who has long black hair and is super soft and, we musn't forget our latest addition-a pretty little tabby female currently named Twenty who's missing a tooth but is the absolute sweetest thing. She was rescued from Prospect Park during The Great Googa Mooga Festival! So you know this one's special!

Anyway, point is, if you've been thinking about adopting lately, now is a great time to get on it!

Pop by to see if any of these little kitties speak to you. Because we all need love, especially the furry guys.

Hope to see you around soon!

Til Next Time,



Lindsay Lohan

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