Monday, May 7, 2012

Stash Your Stash!

Hi All,

Libby here.

This week, we're going to talk about something a little naughty.

Not 'I peed on the couch' naughty but more like 'I left my marijuana stash lying around the house and my dog ate it' naughty.

It's OK. Most of us have been there before (present company excluded of course, seeing as I am a cat and therefore unlikely to be getting high).

But many adults indulge in marijuana usage. No judgements here. I get it. 

I'm not condoning it per-se but I'm also not telling anyone what to do.

So anyway, last week this dog comes into the office. His pupils are dilated, he's slobbering like crazy and he's super wobbly.

I'm thinking to myself: 'What's with this guy?'? Why is he freaking out? 

Anyway, so Dr. Silverman brings the crazy dog into his exam room and does his thing.

Dr. S has seen this sort of thing before so, with a knowing look, he asks the dog's owner if the dog has eaten anything. 

The owner sheepishly admits that he thinks he may have left out a plastic baggie filled with weed and that Fido here may have eaten it.

Ever the epitome of discretion, the good Dr. simply told the frantic man not to worry and that he would recommend leaving the pooch in the office overnight for observation, administering supportive care with fluids and appropriate medications.

Ladies and gents, this happens far more often than you might think but you should never let a fear of being judged hinder you from taking care of your pet!

Their health is paramount and the truth is, the PPAC doctors have other things to worry about without judging you for your recreational drug usage!

Til next time, If you're going to smoke, make sure to hide your stash when you're done!


1 comment:

  1. Cleaning up is the least fun part of any party, but thanks for sharing with us the medical reason.
