Monday, May 14, 2012

Mamma Mia, Here I Go Again

Hi All.

Libby here.

In light of yesterdays festivities, I want to dedicate this post to mothers everywere.

I want to wish all the mommas and all the mommas mommas and all of the mommas mommas mommas and even all of the baby mommas a Happy Mothers Day, on behalf of myself and the Prospect Park Animal Clinic.

I have to say, out of all the holidays that Hallmark has created and all of the commercial opportunities established because people just want an excuse to celebrate something, Mothers Day is one of the few that really makes sense to me.

I meanwe owe a lot to these ladies. And bear in mind, I'm speaking as a kitty whose momma used to carry her around by the scruff of her neck (sometimes taking a little nip in the process.) But even though she may have been tough sometimes, I love my momma.

These strong, beautiful, sometimes willful ladies brought us into this world, nurtured us and helped raise us. They picked us up when we were down and were first to lick (or for the human folk- kiss) a booboo the moment one appeared.

These ladies mean business. Im getting teary just writing this post, thinking about my momma who passed away a few years ago.

All Im trying to say is, cherish these special women. They are one in a million and they love you. So be good to them. And remember to wish your mom a Happy Mothers Day.


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