Monday, April 30, 2012

A Fond Farewell

Hi All,

Libby here.

Goodbye, farewell, avidazen goonight.

Remember that movie? The Sound of Music? Gotta love Julie Andrews!

But I digress. We're not here today to sing songs or talk about beautiful songstresses.

We ARE here to say good bye to a good friend and an even better (soon to be!) veterinarian.

Justin, originally came to the Prospect Park Animal Clinic through Nick Silverman- Dr. Silverman's son and coincidentally, another soon to be vet! (Are you detecting a trend here?)

They met when they worked at VERG and what can I say? A beautiful friendship blossomed. Yea it's a bit cheezy but just go with it.

Anyway, when Justin approached Nick about the possibility of working with dear ole' dad, it just made sense.

Justin has been working here at the PPAC for a mere two weeks but everyone loves this guy, myself included. He's friendly, talented and quick to lend a hand whenever needed.

His next move will be placing him at his first full time job as a veterinarian!

We'll all be so sad to see him go but the kids got skills and I'm sure he will do great things.

Don't be shocked by my rare moments of nostalgia and sweetness. And don't get used to it.

Til' next time,


1 comment:

  1. That Libby has one big heart.

    Wonder if she's making up for the slight lack of her visual sense with a sense of compassion and kindness?
