Monday, April 2, 2012

One-Eyed Cats in the House!

Hey Guys!

Libby here. And guess what?

One-eyed cats are in the HIZOUSE!

That's right ladies and gents.

Currently residing in the Prospect Park Animal Clinic are not one, but TWO one-eyed cats.

Yessiree. Me and Miss Ruby.

Now don't go getting used to this...Ruby's only here temporarily. But while she's here, we're going to have FUN!

So do you wanna know what Ruby's in for?

Well...she's got conjunctivitis (eye disease) and otitis (ear infection). And the poor gal has one shrunken eyeball because of a lil herpes she contracted. Oops.

On top of her eye issues, when she was brought in, she wasn't the friendliest gal. But you can't really blame her seeing as she was feral for most of her life. I'd be lying if I didn't tell you she has a bit of cattitude and needs to learn how to chill. Fortunately, she was recently adopted and since then, she's been warming up a bit.

She's well on her way to becoming a house pet and, to becoming one of my favorite PPAC guests.

Let's here it for one-eyed cats and two ole' F3- Fellow Feisty Felines.

Til' next time.


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