Monday, April 23, 2012

I Know Lindsay Lohan

Hi All,

Libby here.

I wanted to tell you that I, Libby the cat, know Lindsay Lohan.

No not that Lindsay Lohan!

Come on. How would I know her? I'm a cat.

The Lindsay I know is a different, and in my opinion less volatile, Lindsay.

She's a cat who has been staying at the PPAC as of late.

Unlike her same-named counterpart, this kitty hasn't let life bring her down. She was brought in with a heart murmur but has kept her chin up and seems to be doing ok in spite of it.

I do have one itty bitty bone to pick with her however.

Now, you know that Dr. Silverman and I have a special thing going, right? We're buds- he lets me kinda do what I want and I in turn let him scratch my ears and rub my belly. It's a win-win situation.

But lil Miss Lindsay has come in and she's all up in his business, rubbing his legs and trying to jump into his arms! I think she's trying to weasel her way into his heart (maybe she is more like the real Lindsay than I thought!)

So, full disclosure, I'm writing today for a double purpose.

Firstly, because what a great name! It clearly warranted a post. But secondly, because Lindsay's up for adoption! Now don't get me wrong, I do genuinely enjoy her company. But I wouldn't be sad to get Dr. S. back for myself.

Ok? So spread the word-Lindsay's ready to go!

Til' next time,


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