Monday, April 16, 2012

The tale of Roxie

Hi All,

Libby here!

I'm here today to sing...

"this is the story, of a cat named Peri!"

No...that's a joke. I'm not going to sing. In fact, contrary to my lighthearted introduction, Peri is not a lighthearted topic. She has a pretty sad story to tell.

You know those really depressing commercials from the ASPCA with Sarah McLachlin singing in the background as a slide show of abused animals pop up on screen?

Well...that's kind of like Peri. When she first came to the PPAC, she was in pretty rough shape. She had been abused at her former home and had peroxide spilled on her-hence the name Peri.

I's an awful story. Enough to melt even this old curmudgeon's heart.

But, as with all my tales of woe, there is fortunately a happy ending associated with her.
Peri and I became buds when she was first brought in-she's one cool cat who had a really positive outlook in spite of her past troubles.

In fact, she was so cool that a woman came in and fell in love with her and decided to take her home.  She was placed in a warm, friendly environment with people who adore her and renamed Roxie-a new name and a fresh start.
But wait...there's another slight hitch in the tale of Roxie.

Roxie was recently brought in not feeling well. Sadly, it turned out she had a diagnosis of cancer. This was one cat who's odds were sadly not forever in her favor. The good news is, she's definitely a fighter and after battling and beating the odds once more, she is now in remission.
I know I know...put away the tissues and don't get all sappy on me.
Even I like to tell a nice story now and again.

Til' next time,


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