Monday, March 26, 2012

Oskie Returns!

Hey Guys,

First of all, happy Spring!!!

Can you smell the flowers emerging? I for one feel ready to go and get out some of this cat scratch fever!

OK but enough about me. On to more important things—do you remember Oscar?

That adorable little munchkin of a cat that the Silverman's adopted? The one with cerebellar hypoplasia?

Well when last you heard about Oskie, he was doing pretty well for himself- he'd just had a successful surgery and was living large with his condition.

Well, you know what happens when little kittens grow into bigger cats? Their bones grow with them. And with bone growth, things stretch out a bit. Ya know, like when a person gets a tattoo when they're young and then they get older and saggy and the tattoo changes shape? Yea, kinda like that.

Anyway, Oskie's bones grew as he did and last week, he was trying to climb up this stairs contraption to get in his fellow house cat-Madeleine's food. Silly Oskie. Long story short, he fell and managed to find himself back in the Prospect Park Animal Clinic office.

Fortunately, he had Dr. Silverman's love and attention and his surgery was a great success.

Oskie has been fixed up to fit comfortable into his new adult body and will be back to his plucky self in no time.

Yay, Oskie!

Come on...I know you aren't used to me being sunny and all that but I have a bit of a soft spot when it comes to this little guy.

I'll be sure to keep you up to date on his progress.

Til next time,


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