Monday, March 5, 2012

A moment of silence, please

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to honor a very dear friend of mine.

A creature who was small in stature but big in heart.

A woman who ruled the Prospect Park Animal Clinic roost perched from the top floor of her three story cardboard condo.

Ladies and gentlemen, a moment of silence for Margaret The Rat.

Margaret was a loving friend, quick to nuzzle and slow to bite.

Her tail caused some people to be frightened but anyone who spent even a mere five minutes with her was immediately aware of her gentle spirit.

She lived a short (as proves to be the case with many a rat) but robust life.

Our friendship was an unlikely one. Historically, rodents and cats are not thought of as being the best of friends. But our friendship grew as we spent time together and I will miss her terribly.

Apologies for my uncommonly maudlin spirit but nothing less would be appropriate for my friend Mags.

Til next time,


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