Monday, March 12, 2012

Dress Me Up in Leather and Lace

Or don't.

Actually, please don't.

Although as a cat, I am typically exempt from the process of being dressed up by my owners, many dogs aren't so lucky. 

Every day, I see animals paraded around in these little outfits- dogs dressed like bunnies, dogs dressed like raindeer, dogs in dresses and booties.

Now to be fair, I have not had much chance to ask these costumed pups how they feel about their getups. It's possible that they love them. Just last week, I saw this cutie patootie maltese in a pink dress and she looked darling. Maybe she truly did love being in that silly little dress.

But from my perch, I'm just calling it as I see it.

I can understand the whole idea of dressing your pup in a silly frock if it's motivated by weather. No one deserves to be out in the cold or rain without protection!

And even though it's been a pretty mild winter, even the idea of putting little booties on little paws to protect from salty sidewalks makes sense to me.

But a dress? Come on.

Just my two cents.


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