Monday, March 19, 2012

The Birds and the Bees

Hey Guys,

Libby here.

So today, I’m going to write about something that deviates from my usual snarky self. Today, I’m going to be magnanimous. Helpful even. I want to give you some advice.

I’d like to talk about the Birds and the Bees.

Nooo not that type of Birds and Bees. Get your head out of the gutter!

I’m talking about all those pesky bugs that come out when the weather gets warm to cause problems for your pets-ya know the fleas, the ticks, the mosquitos.

Unfortunately, bugs are only the beginning of the worries.

Warm weather brings some problems for the pets in your life.

Now don’t freak out- I’m going to let you in on some of the secrets so you don’t get caught with your pants down (metaphorically of course).

So here goes:
1.     Barbecues (and picnics in general)
Summer time brings tons of outside grillin’ and chillin’. Only problem is, people aren’t always so good about the whole picking up after themselves-Bad People! When they don’t pick up their trash, who do you think picks up after them? Your dogs!!! How many times have you pried a chicken bone from the jaws of your favorite pup? Beware of these bad boys-they can get lodged in your pet's throat and that’s no good!
2.     Fleas, Ticks and Mosquitos!
When the warm weather comes out, your cats and dogs are even more susceptible to bites from these pesky bugs. But the bites aren't the only problem- fleas serve a double threat because they can be brought inside by outdoor animals and then transmit them to indoor animals like cats, birds, rabbits, etc. Fleas are bad news! Talk to the vets at the PPAC to figure out what the best preventatives are to protect your pets!
3.     Standing water
What dog doesn’t want to get wet and get their doggy paddle on when it gets hot out? But before letting your dog jump on in, think twice. Lots of standing water carries disease that could infect your dog.

This is just a little tasting of some warm weather tips but it should carry you for a bit-until you have time to ask the PPAC docs if there are any other precautions you need to take.

Be safe!


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