Monday, February 6, 2012

I'm Ultra Into Ultrasounds

That's a lie.

I''m not really all that into ultrasounds.

In fact, I don't really know very much about ultrasounds or ultrasound machines, at all.

But, it turns out, they are pretty important to the whole vet thing. 

Why my recent obsession with ultrasounds?

Hold your horses! Im about to tell you!

Every year, the doctors of PPAC go to these conventions where they learn the latest about what's going on in the Veterinary world. They hang out with other vets and attend lectures where people talk about what's new and hot in veterinary innovations and technology.

They come back talking about the cool toys they learned about. Turns out, the must have toy of this year was an ultrasound machine.

And let me tell you, these machines sound SICK. (Something about better gray scale?)

So maybe SICK is an over sell on a piece of equipment.

But the docs do seem pretty excited about them! I think I heard them talking about buying a new one this year.

Although given the whole cat thing, I dont really understand what they do, I think they sound pretty cool.

Anyway, Happy Ultra-sounding!


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