Monday, February 13, 2012

Self Improvement

Hi All,

Libby here. 

In a continual effort for self improvement, I'm always looking for ways to spice up my blog postings.

First, I acknowledged that I needed more variety in my animal content; kitties are great. Kitties AND doggies are better (and when relevant, a smattering of rat love, too).

So, the purpose of this lengthy introduction is to say that I think this blog is lacking in another way. Why write a blog about an animal clinic without having any pictures of adorable animals??? Right? Crazy, I know.

So, to start the year off right, I threw in the picture to the left. That adorable little guy happens to be Dr. Silvermans' beloved family pooch, Bernie. 

As a bit about Bernie, Bernie is seen wearing Dr. Silverman's son, Nick on his back. He is also wearing an enormous piece of Chanukah (chocolate) bling. He is also incredibly sweet and cuddly and I've never seen him be anything but loving towards cats so he wins in my book.

And in keeping with this new self-improvement thing, I think i'm going to try to do exposes on other adorable PPAC animals.

Shoot me an email if you have an adorable pet you think should be included!


1 comment:

  1. Often the reasons we drag our feet is we do not believe enough in ourselves to step out and do something differently. We will come up with a variety of reasons or excuses why we do not want to just do it. Are you stuck in that rut in any area of your life? Continuous learning, doing something differently or modifying the way we do something is a way of practicing our way out of that rut. Or to be put another way “Get out of our own way.”

    Life Coaching
