Monday, January 30, 2012

I'm Lucky I'm Not a Dog

Hey Guys,

Libby here.

I have a bone to pick with snow.

Specifically, New York snow.

If you were unfortunate enough to leave the house this weekend, the picture to the left is probably what you saw.

Now don't be fooled. This picture is a bit deceptive.

Snow in New York is not pristine and beautiful.

It's dirty. It's yellow. It's short lived.

This past weekend in particular was a massive snow disappointment.

As always, there were rumors abounding that there would be this massive snowstorm.


There were two measly inches.

The worst part was that in spite of the snow let down, we still felt the typical snow side effects.

For instance, the snowfall required that the sidewalks be salted which meant that poor pups who went for walks were subjected to the pain of the saltiness. As a result, the dogs felt the need to relieve themselves on the briefly beautiful snow, effectively dirtying it in the course of five minutes' time.

So it's a vicious cycle and one that unfortunately can't be broken, neither in this snow storm or the next hundred storms.

But the point of this all is that I'm happy I am a cat. An indoor cat to be exact.

And for that, I am a grateful cat.

And til next time, show some love to your doggy friends for their salty woes.


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