Monday, December 24, 2012

Back In the U.S.A.

Hi All,

Libby here!

First of all, Merry Christmas to all those celebrating out there! I hope you and your families spend an amazing day together!

And now, without further delay, a little holiday treat from moi!

You may (or may not be aware) of the fact that Dr. S's youngest child, Nick, has spent the last 28 months in St. Kitts at veterinary school. He's learning the profession, toiling away and soaking up some sun at the same time. That's right! He's going to be a vet, just like his dear ole' dad. 

Before he went to St. Kitts, Nick adopted an adorable Canaan dog named Annie (she's the one wearing the antlers). While in the Caribbean, it's also pretty common for aspiring vets to adopt an island dog. Which Nick did. And he named her Lucy (she's the little pup in the background). So now he has two dogs (which sounds like one dog too many in my opinion but who's asking!)

Well, they're back. And as a my little holiday present to you all, I'm giving you a break from my ornery musings and I'm going to let Lucy and Annie have a go at blog writing. While they lived in the Caribbean, they had full, packed days what with spending time chasing monkeys on the beach, doggy paddling in the pool and sunning themselves in the morning heat. Well, now they're back and looking for something to do. So here goes.

Annie: Hi! I'm Annie. 

Lucy: And I'm Lucy! 

Together: It's COLD here! 

Annie: I'm not sure how we feel about this weather but it's a nice change I suppose! I'm going to take over the keyboard now since Lucy isn't as smart as I am. 

Lucy: HEY!

Annie: Simmer there, little one. So...Libby didn't really tell us that we needed to talk about anything in particular so I'm going to just tell you my top three favorite things about being back in NYC so far.
1. SQUIRRELS!!! I missed these pesky creatures. They don't have them in the Caribbean and I gotta say, monkeys just don't compare. I love spending the afternoon chasing after them.
2. Bernie! The Silverman's dog is so fun! Lucy hasn't been getting along so well with him but we just love spending time together.
3. Hanging with my friends at the PPAC!

Lucy: Now me! Here's the three things I don't like about NYC!
1. Bernie! That pesky guy's gotta go.
2. Leashes- they're just cruel. I hate them. 
3. Annie's good mood since we've arrived here.

Annie: Sorry for Lucy's bad mood. She's been kind of cranky lately but she'll adjust in no time. And Libby, thanks for letting us give this blog writing thing a shot! It's been a ton of fun.

Libby: Sure thing, ladies. Til' next time,

Annie, Lucy and Libby!

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