Monday, December 31, 2012

A New Year. A New Cat.

Hi All,

Libby here.

So, I went back and forth about an appropriate topic for this week’s blog.

I don’t know if you noticed but I try to alternate between medically relevant topics and ones that are purely fun, (basically, for my own edification). Oh and I suppose there are some topics that are timely- the Hurricane Sandy posts for instance. Holiday ones too.

Now, going back to the very first sentence of this post, the time seemed right for another medically oriented blog, but, since tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, I  decided to just go for it and write a timely one instead—namely, my New Year’s Resolutions.

This list is going to be pretty difficult considering that I am the pinnacle of feline perfection. I don’t really have much I should be resolving to improve about myself. Stop rolling your eyes. It’s true.

But moving on, here are four areas that I suppose I could stand to improve upon.
  1. I resolve to be a nicer cat. Life sometimes gets me down, what with the whole inability to go to the bathroom by myself, thing. So I get down. And then I get mean. But I realize, in all my kitty wisdom, that that’s not so fair. So I’m going to try to be nicer.
  2. Try even harder to help PPAC clients. That may sound lofty for a mere office cat. But, I recognize that the more I know, the more wisdom I can impart. To empower my massive blog following, I’m going to keep learning and sharing so I can help all the pet owners/ blog followers out there.
  3. I will practice what I preach. And lose half a pound. Lord knows I’ve spoken (and written) more than enough about animal obesity. I also know that pretty much everyone everywhere resolves to lose weight come New Years. So, I’ll hop on the weight loss bandwagon and promise to lose some of my cat flub. And if you think a half a pound sounds like a weak resolution, know this: when a five pound cat loses half a pound, that's about the same as a 100 lb person losing ten pounds. So back off! (Sorry…forgive the outburst, as per resolution #1).
  4. I’m going to be more of a mentor to the younger cats and dogs who pass through the PPAC or who are in it for the long haul. I know this place better than I know my own paws. So I want to pass on what I’ve learned and spread the love to all visitors and tenants of the office's hallowed halls.

Well folks, I think that’s more than enough commitments for me to undertake this year. I've had enough with my promises of self betterment. So, I bid you adieu and wish you all wonderful and fulfilling New Years.

Til' next time,


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