Monday, December 17, 2012

A Happy Chrismukah to All

Hi all,

Libby here. 

I've decided to take this opportunity in the no-man zone between Christmas and Chanukah (apologies to those of you for whom neither of these apply, but I'm going with generic for the sake of ease), to wish everyone happy holidays. 

Merry Chrismukah. Chag Sameah. And so on and so forth. 

I've been hitting the catnip pretty hard this week what with all the holiday parties, and my brains a wee bit fuzzy so to be honest, I don't think I can handle a post that's much more intense than this.

In fact, i'm writing this from my favorite seat on the garbage can lid here at the PPAC while their staff party takes place in the front waiting room. I needed a little break from the festivities. So anyway, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank Doc S and the PPAC staff for giving me a loving home and people to call family during the holidays. 

So remember everyone, keep it merry. Keep it bright. And be good to each other. 

Til' next time.



  1. Thanks Libby for a wonderful year of wit, insights, and entertainment. Happy and merry to you too.

  2. Thanks, BBB! Happy Holidays to you and your family.
