Monday, May 28, 2012

Barbecues, Dog Tags and Days Off

Hi All,

Libby here.

I hope you all are having fabulous Memorial Day Weekends. Gotta love any excuse for a day off, right?

I want to take this opportunity to pour one out for my homies. My fallen comrades. My late great buddies.

Although I am specifically talking about each and every feline (and doggy) currently resting in perpetuity, I am speaking more broadly about the foreign soldiers who we commemorate on this Memorial Day.

The connection between these two groups of individuals? Well, you've heard of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, right? Well, kitties and doggies sadly have those too. Each and every one of us has likely heard the sad tale of a stray animal who passed away without any identification.

It's funny. I feel like most people don't really think about what Memorial Day is all about. We view it as a chance to barbecue, hang out at the beach, go to people's country houses, and chill out.

And don't get me wrong. It's definitely about that to some extent. But it's also really about honoring those who are no longer in our lives. People (and animals) who's memories we want to preserve and honor.

So there's a little patriotism from yours truly. And some love and honor for those animals who have gone to meet the big kitty/doggy in the sky. Coz what's memorial day without a bit of memorializing, right?

As always, this wouldn't be a real 'Libby Post' without a good natured bit of griping. So I leave you with this question. Why do they call them 'Dog Tags?'

Chew on that.

Til next time,


Sunday, May 20, 2012

One Stray, Two Stray, Red Stray, Blue Stray

Hi All,
Libby here!

Have you been outside? It's GORGEOUS out. Not that I'd really know...i'm more of an inside- cat type.

But, based on the slightly flushed faces and semi-sweaty bodies continually gracing the Prospect Park Animal Clinic, I can tell it's getting warm out.

And, it just looks downright pretty outside the window in the exam room where I like to perch sometimes.

With beautiful weather comes barbecues, pool parties, concerts in the park and opportunities for growth. And by growth, I don't mean flowers blooming,

I do mean adding to your family!

Not having children, sillly!...That's not really my business now is it?

Nooo I mean adding some furry friends to your family. Seems to be the season for stray cats because right now, the PPAC has not one, not two, not three but FOUR cats up for adoption.

Four adorable little punums looking for love.

We have Melody, a sweet, striped little lady, Ducky, a big orange cat with gorgeous golden eyes, the famous Lindsay Lohan who has long black hair and is super soft and, we musn't forget our latest addition-a pretty little tabby female currently named Twenty who's missing a tooth but is the absolute sweetest thing. She was rescued from Prospect Park during The Great Googa Mooga Festival! So you know this one's special!

Anyway, point is, if you've been thinking about adopting lately, now is a great time to get on it!

Pop by to see if any of these little kitties speak to you. Because we all need love, especially the furry guys.

Hope to see you around soon!

Til Next Time,



Lindsay Lohan

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mamma Mia, Here I Go Again

Hi All.

Libby here.

In light of yesterdays festivities, I want to dedicate this post to mothers everywere.

I want to wish all the mommas and all the mommas mommas and all of the mommas mommas mommas and even all of the baby mommas a Happy Mothers Day, on behalf of myself and the Prospect Park Animal Clinic.

I have to say, out of all the holidays that Hallmark has created and all of the commercial opportunities established because people just want an excuse to celebrate something, Mothers Day is one of the few that really makes sense to me.

I meanwe owe a lot to these ladies. And bear in mind, I'm speaking as a kitty whose momma used to carry her around by the scruff of her neck (sometimes taking a little nip in the process.) But even though she may have been tough sometimes, I love my momma.

These strong, beautiful, sometimes willful ladies brought us into this world, nurtured us and helped raise us. They picked us up when we were down and were first to lick (or for the human folk- kiss) a booboo the moment one appeared.

These ladies mean business. Im getting teary just writing this post, thinking about my momma who passed away a few years ago.

All Im trying to say is, cherish these special women. They are one in a million and they love you. So be good to them. And remember to wish your mom a Happy Mothers Day.


Monday, May 7, 2012

Stash Your Stash!

Hi All,

Libby here.

This week, we're going to talk about something a little naughty.

Not 'I peed on the couch' naughty but more like 'I left my marijuana stash lying around the house and my dog ate it' naughty.

It's OK. Most of us have been there before (present company excluded of course, seeing as I am a cat and therefore unlikely to be getting high).

But many adults indulge in marijuana usage. No judgements here. I get it. 

I'm not condoning it per-se but I'm also not telling anyone what to do.

So anyway, last week this dog comes into the office. His pupils are dilated, he's slobbering like crazy and he's super wobbly.

I'm thinking to myself: 'What's with this guy?'? Why is he freaking out? 

Anyway, so Dr. Silverman brings the crazy dog into his exam room and does his thing.

Dr. S has seen this sort of thing before so, with a knowing look, he asks the dog's owner if the dog has eaten anything. 

The owner sheepishly admits that he thinks he may have left out a plastic baggie filled with weed and that Fido here may have eaten it.

Ever the epitome of discretion, the good Dr. simply told the frantic man not to worry and that he would recommend leaving the pooch in the office overnight for observation, administering supportive care with fluids and appropriate medications.

Ladies and gents, this happens far more often than you might think but you should never let a fear of being judged hinder you from taking care of your pet!

Their health is paramount and the truth is, the PPAC doctors have other things to worry about without judging you for your recreational drug usage!

Til next time, If you're going to smoke, make sure to hide your stash when you're done!
