Monday, April 30, 2012

A Fond Farewell

Hi All,

Libby here.

Goodbye, farewell, avidazen goonight.

Remember that movie? The Sound of Music? Gotta love Julie Andrews!

But I digress. We're not here today to sing songs or talk about beautiful songstresses.

We ARE here to say good bye to a good friend and an even better (soon to be!) veterinarian.

Justin, originally came to the Prospect Park Animal Clinic through Nick Silverman- Dr. Silverman's son and coincidentally, another soon to be vet! (Are you detecting a trend here?)

They met when they worked at VERG and what can I say? A beautiful friendship blossomed. Yea it's a bit cheezy but just go with it.

Anyway, when Justin approached Nick about the possibility of working with dear ole' dad, it just made sense.

Justin has been working here at the PPAC for a mere two weeks but everyone loves this guy, myself included. He's friendly, talented and quick to lend a hand whenever needed.

His next move will be placing him at his first full time job as a veterinarian!

We'll all be so sad to see him go but the kids got skills and I'm sure he will do great things.

Don't be shocked by my rare moments of nostalgia and sweetness. And don't get used to it.

Til' next time,


Monday, April 23, 2012

I Know Lindsay Lohan

Hi All,

Libby here.

I wanted to tell you that I, Libby the cat, know Lindsay Lohan.

No not that Lindsay Lohan!

Come on. How would I know her? I'm a cat.

The Lindsay I know is a different, and in my opinion less volatile, Lindsay.

She's a cat who has been staying at the PPAC as of late.

Unlike her same-named counterpart, this kitty hasn't let life bring her down. She was brought in with a heart murmur but has kept her chin up and seems to be doing ok in spite of it.

I do have one itty bitty bone to pick with her however.

Now, you know that Dr. Silverman and I have a special thing going, right? We're buds- he lets me kinda do what I want and I in turn let him scratch my ears and rub my belly. It's a win-win situation.

But lil Miss Lindsay has come in and she's all up in his business, rubbing his legs and trying to jump into his arms! I think she's trying to weasel her way into his heart (maybe she is more like the real Lindsay than I thought!)

So, full disclosure, I'm writing today for a double purpose.

Firstly, because what a great name! It clearly warranted a post. But secondly, because Lindsay's up for adoption! Now don't get me wrong, I do genuinely enjoy her company. But I wouldn't be sad to get Dr. S. back for myself.

Ok? So spread the word-Lindsay's ready to go!

Til' next time,


Monday, April 16, 2012

The tale of Roxie

Hi All,

Libby here!

I'm here today to sing...

"this is the story, of a cat named Peri!"

No...that's a joke. I'm not going to sing. In fact, contrary to my lighthearted introduction, Peri is not a lighthearted topic. She has a pretty sad story to tell.

You know those really depressing commercials from the ASPCA with Sarah McLachlin singing in the background as a slide show of abused animals pop up on screen?

Well...that's kind of like Peri. When she first came to the PPAC, she was in pretty rough shape. She had been abused at her former home and had peroxide spilled on her-hence the name Peri.

I's an awful story. Enough to melt even this old curmudgeon's heart.

But, as with all my tales of woe, there is fortunately a happy ending associated with her.
Peri and I became buds when she was first brought in-she's one cool cat who had a really positive outlook in spite of her past troubles.

In fact, she was so cool that a woman came in and fell in love with her and decided to take her home.  She was placed in a warm, friendly environment with people who adore her and renamed Roxie-a new name and a fresh start.
But wait...there's another slight hitch in the tale of Roxie.

Roxie was recently brought in not feeling well. Sadly, it turned out she had a diagnosis of cancer. This was one cat who's odds were sadly not forever in her favor. The good news is, she's definitely a fighter and after battling and beating the odds once more, she is now in remission.
I know I know...put away the tissues and don't get all sappy on me.
Even I like to tell a nice story now and again.

Til' next time,


Monday, April 9, 2012

Rosie the Riveter

Hi Guys,

Libby here.

So the title of my post is a bit of a lie-we're not going to talk about powerful rivet-gun wielding women.

But it was too good to pass up.

And can you guess? The heroine of this post is....A dog named Rosie!

Today, we're going to talk about Rosie's experience eating chocolate.

Now, if you are a pet owner, you've probably heard the warnings about not feeding your dogs certain foods. Ya know like chocolate, chocolate, onions avocados and grapes...that sort of thing.

But what really happens when pets get their mouths onto these things?

To help tell this tale, I hearken back to the title of my post and, Rosie.

Now one day, Rosie decided she wanted to make a snack out of some chocolate.That little snack almost did the poor girl in.

After consuming a hefty amount of chocolate, Rosie's poor owner found her suffering from:
  • restlessness 
  • increased heart rate 
  • muscle tremors 
  • vomiting 
  • diarrhea 
No fun!

Something else you might not have realized about chocolate?

There are varying levels of toxicity- that means that not all chocolate is created equal! Bakers chocolate is the worst. Next comes dark and semisweet, followed by milk chocolate. Now don't get me wrong- none of these chocolates are good for your pet but some are definitely worse than others!

No matter the type, if you see an empty chocolate box on your floor and a guilty looking dog you need to act fast. The very first thing you should do is try to induce vomiting at home with hydrogen peroxide.

If you are unsuccessful at dealing with this by yourself, your first stop should definitely be your veterinarian.

They will also induce vomiting (through a process involving putting a tablet in their eye-weird, right!) and then will administer supportive-sedatives like Valium. They'll also give your pet lots of fluids to prevent dehydration and administer supportive care like valium and intravenous fluids if symptoms appear.

Long story short, Rosie was the unfortunate vehicle by which I can share tips about taking care of your pets by making sure you keep them far away from chocolate. It's kind of funny. Our owners are always going on about how chocolate makes them fat which is why they avoid it. But we need to avoid it for slightly different reasons!

So remember, keep your pets safe and away from chocolate!

Til' next time,


Monday, April 2, 2012

One-Eyed Cats in the House!

Hey Guys!

Libby here. And guess what?

One-eyed cats are in the HIZOUSE!

That's right ladies and gents.

Currently residing in the Prospect Park Animal Clinic are not one, but TWO one-eyed cats.

Yessiree. Me and Miss Ruby.

Now don't go getting used to this...Ruby's only here temporarily. But while she's here, we're going to have FUN!

So do you wanna know what Ruby's in for?

Well...she's got conjunctivitis (eye disease) and otitis (ear infection). And the poor gal has one shrunken eyeball because of a lil herpes she contracted. Oops.

On top of her eye issues, when she was brought in, she wasn't the friendliest gal. But you can't really blame her seeing as she was feral for most of her life. I'd be lying if I didn't tell you she has a bit of cattitude and needs to learn how to chill. Fortunately, she was recently adopted and since then, she's been warming up a bit.

She's well on her way to becoming a house pet and, to becoming one of my favorite PPAC guests.

Let's here it for one-eyed cats and two ole' F3- Fellow Feisty Felines.

Til' next time.
