Monday, February 27, 2012

Where are all the animals?

Hey guys,

So...did any of you watch the Grammys this past weekend?

Well, if you did, you might have noticed a dearth of awards afforded to some notable individuals. Namely:

  • The Pussycat Dolls 
  • Lil' Bow-Wow 
  • Snoop Dogg 

What happened to the animal contingency??? Where were the awards for the talented, animal inspired men and women of show-biz?

This is not to say that Adele isn't amazing. Because SHE IS. That cat can siiinnnnggg. Take a look at her here.

I like those Foo Fighters fellows, too. They're enough to make anyone go rrruufff.

But when I looked at the line up and saw acts like Katy Perry, Paul McCartney, and The Beach Boys, while the excitement of these super talented singers was titillating to say the least, I was a bit bummed that there was no one representing the animals.

That said, the show was pretty amazing and Bruno Mars has that great video- The Lazy Song, which features monkeys so he can perhaps be a stand in for the rest of the animal kingdom.

All in all, I hope that next year proves to be a better showing for the animal kingdom.

If I don't hear anything, I may just have to put my own group together.

How does "Libby and the Office Pets" sound to you?

Til next time,


Monday, February 20, 2012

I'm In a Bad Mood

Hi Guys,

I know that one of my resolutions this year was to write more about dogs.

And by extension, nice things about dogs.

Nice things about nice, friendly dogs.

But, I feel like I should be entitled to use this "nice" card when and if it is warranted.

I'm more than happy to be a lover and not a fighter when the situation warrants it.

But when a dog gets all up in my business, I can't be expected to behave like the lady that I am.

I will behave like a warrior. A fierce, Amazonian warrior.

But there is some back story to this.

You want to hear about it? Of course you do!

So, I was sitting on the floor of the office of the Prospect Park Animal Clinic, just licking myself a little as I am known to do. My daily bath if you will.

When out of nowhere, this harrier hound comes lunging at me and gets IN MY FACE!

This behavior is obviously not to be tolerated so I swatted him (ok maybe I scratched a little, too).

Then, when I was sitting pouting, already having a crappy day, Joey comes leaping over towards me, presumably to hang out and I just wasn't in the mood.

You know those days???

It made me think of that book, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad, Day.

So maybe I'm being melodramatic but these two events together= 1 cranky kitty.

Here's hoping to better moods on the horizon.



Monday, February 13, 2012

Self Improvement

Hi All,

Libby here. 

In a continual effort for self improvement, I'm always looking for ways to spice up my blog postings.

First, I acknowledged that I needed more variety in my animal content; kitties are great. Kitties AND doggies are better (and when relevant, a smattering of rat love, too).

So, the purpose of this lengthy introduction is to say that I think this blog is lacking in another way. Why write a blog about an animal clinic without having any pictures of adorable animals??? Right? Crazy, I know.

So, to start the year off right, I threw in the picture to the left. That adorable little guy happens to be Dr. Silvermans' beloved family pooch, Bernie. 

As a bit about Bernie, Bernie is seen wearing Dr. Silverman's son, Nick on his back. He is also wearing an enormous piece of Chanukah (chocolate) bling. He is also incredibly sweet and cuddly and I've never seen him be anything but loving towards cats so he wins in my book.

And in keeping with this new self-improvement thing, I think i'm going to try to do exposes on other adorable PPAC animals.

Shoot me an email if you have an adorable pet you think should be included!


Monday, February 6, 2012

I'm Ultra Into Ultrasounds

That's a lie.

I''m not really all that into ultrasounds.

In fact, I don't really know very much about ultrasounds or ultrasound machines, at all.

But, it turns out, they are pretty important to the whole vet thing. 

Why my recent obsession with ultrasounds?

Hold your horses! Im about to tell you!

Every year, the doctors of PPAC go to these conventions where they learn the latest about what's going on in the Veterinary world. They hang out with other vets and attend lectures where people talk about what's new and hot in veterinary innovations and technology.

They come back talking about the cool toys they learned about. Turns out, the must have toy of this year was an ultrasound machine.

And let me tell you, these machines sound SICK. (Something about better gray scale?)

So maybe SICK is an over sell on a piece of equipment.

But the docs do seem pretty excited about them! I think I heard them talking about buying a new one this year.

Although given the whole cat thing, I dont really understand what they do, I think they sound pretty cool.

Anyway, Happy Ultra-sounding!
