Monday, January 16, 2012

I resolve to...

Hey Guys!

Libby here.

I realize this should have probably been the first post of the New Year but hey, what can you do.

So first of all, Happy New Year!

Hope you all had amazing Christmases, Chanukahs, Kwanzaas etc.

And now that it's a new year, I want to talk about resolutions.

New Years resolutions to be exact.

So, when the clock struck midnight, what was it that you promised for next year?

While you think about that, here's my list. I resolve to:

-Be nicer to all the cats and dogs who visit PPAC (and not be so territorial)

-Lose 2 pounds (and cut back on the kitty food)

-Do more laps around the office to maximize weight loss (and make even more friends in the process!)

-Cut back on the catnip

-Scratch less

-Purr more

This is just a short list for now and I'm sure that with time I'll come up with even more ways to self-improve. But I hope for now, you are inspired to make some resolutions of your own for this coming year.

Happy 2012!


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