Monday, January 23, 2012

I'm really not a hater

Hey guys,

It was recently brought to my attention that I come off as a bit of a hater.

That I'm not an equal opportunist reporter when it comes to the capabilities of the PPAC.

That...I only report on animals of the feline persuasion.

But it's not true! I promise. I love all creatures furry.

Lets attribute any seeming preferences to cats to the whole height thing.

By that I mean that as a cat, my center of gravity tends to be pretty close to the ground. Probably not much more than 8 inches or so off the floor.

So, what do I see when I look out? Creatures that are close to my height, ie, fellow cats, rats and other small animals.

Not dogs. Unless they are this dog. Otherwise, most dogs tend to hover quite a bit higher than I do.

And you know what they say, out of sight, out of mind.

So for all those canine lovers, don't take offense. Seriously. It's a height issue and nothing else.

I love a cute dog as much as you do.

So stay tuned for some posts in the near future about the dogs who visit the PPAC.

I'm a lover. Not a fighter.


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