Monday, September 12, 2011

It's not all that different

Hi. My name is Libby.

As you can probably tell from the title of this blog, I am, in fact, a one-eyed cat.

Before you go feeling sorry for me, bear in mind that I'm not telling you this to elicit sympathy but rather because it's the truth. I have one eye.

I don't feel particularly bad about it so neither should you.

In fact, I have a pretty sweet life. I spend my days lounging around Prospect Park Animal Clinic.

The people who work here are pretty cool but even more than that, they LOVE to eat sushi.

And of course they love animals (being employed at a vet's clinic and whatnot) so they love to share their sushi with moi.

Not so bad, right?

How else do I spend my days?

Sometimes, I go for walks around the office to scope out the scene.

Or I might go hang out with Carmen at the front desk.

But other than that, I kinda just get to hang out, eat sushi and have my ears rubbed. Basically, it's not all that different from what you'd expect of an office cat.

Since my days are clearly quite titillating, I'm going to write every week on the interesting things I have observed, as told guessed it, A One-Eyed Cat.

Hope you are as entertained as I am.

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