Monday, September 19, 2011

It Sucks Getting Old Sometimes

Hi there,

Libby here again. Miss me?

You don’t need to answer that—I know you did.

Can I just say, getting old really sucks sometimes.

Remember how I told you last week about my little er…bathroom issues?

Well to put things into perspective, even though I’m only 11 years old, that’s about the equivalent of being 60 in human years.

So I’m kinda middle aged.

But my buddy Zorro is OLD. He’s 18, which while in human years is the equivalent of a punky kid on the verge of adulthood, for a cat, that makes him a 90-year-old feline.

He’s a pretty cool cat but he’s definitely getting on in years.

In fact, he shares my bathroom problems. But sadly, for different reasons. It's actually really sad...he's got a cancerous butt tumor that makes him unable to go to the bathroom :(

That definitely warrants a sad face emoticon.

Regardless, you might call us kindred spirits because of our shared defecation maladies.

But you know what? It’s all good. Really.

He's being given excellent care and I think he lives a pretty happy life.

And he’s actually not that bad looking. His family’s got some money, too.

I hope he’s got a thing for one-eyed cats because this kitty is on the prowl!

Til' next time,


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