Monday, November 26, 2012

RIP Gnocchi

Hi All,

Libby here.

It's with a heavy heart and a heavier paw that I ask you to join me in saying farewell to a very special little pug named Gnocchi. 

The beloved pet of a wonderful Italian lady, fond of biscotti and even fonder of wrinkle-faced dogs, Gnocchi lived a good life. A well fed life full of delicious, home cooked, Italian meals.

Unfortunately, it was her insatiable appetite that ultimately did her in.

One night a few weeks ago, after finishing her evening meal (and still hungry for more), Gnocchi went on a search of the house, hoping to find something delicious to snack on. Ultimately locating a stray tampon and some dental floss, she ate with relish. 

Unbeknownst to her mother, after ingesting these two items, Gnocchi took ill. Looking for an explanation, her mommy brought her in to the PPAC for some tests and it appeared at first as though she had pneumonia. This assessment was based on her symptoms of a cough, a high white blood cell count, and a fever. There was also some reported vomiting. Working on his hunch, Dr. S did an X-ray and confirmed his diagnosis. He treated the pug until she stabilized. The vomiting subsided but she didn't appear to be making a full recovery. When her white blood cells began rising again, he sent her to VERG for further testing.

At VERG, it was discovered via ultrasound that Gnocchi had a problem with her intestines. She had exploratory surgery which revealed that she had ingested the aforementioned tampon and dental floss.

It was then determined that the pneumonia was a product of her vomiting, caused by the objects that she had eaten. She was taking vomit into her lungs (aspirating) which irritated them.

The vets over at VERG performed a long surgery and Gnocchi appeared to have made a full recovery. Sadly, three days after returning home, she began throwing clots to her back legs and into her lungs. She started spiraling downhill rapidly. To put her out of her misery, her owners decided to put the little thing to sleep.

Thus concludes the sad but true tale of a very sweet, beloved pug named Gnocchi. 

RIP my friend.

Til next time,


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