Monday, November 5, 2012

Save the Pets!

Hi All,

Libby here.

I am just blown away by what happened with Hurricane Sandy. 

I was skeptical that all the hype would amount to anything. In fact, I spoke with Dr. S. last week about writing a post that took a more cynical approach to the whole situation, but he put that idea down real fast. Seeing the pictures of the death and destruction in Long Beach, The Rockaways, Island Park, and The Bowery, among others, I was completely cowed by my former skepticism. The pictures of these pooches are just a tiny indication of the plight of pets through this disaster.

Even though I never let my true thoughts air via internet, I still feel obligated to help out with disaster relief in whatever way I can, as a mea culpa. Lacking opposable thumbs, and being an indoor cat, keeps me mostly confined to the PPAC but, I figured it's not a bad idea to spread the word about how you all can help out. There are so many amazing organizations that are looking for volunteers and donations but, to keep it even more relevant to pet owners, here's a  list of animal related rescue ops that are going on.

1. The Huffington Post has a great article with general pet rescue information. Have a read, click the links and get to it!

2. Among other much needed human items like flashlights, batteries, food, clothing and personal items, the Rockaway Relief is also collecting donations of animal food. Visit them on the Upper East Side at 85th and 2nd outside of Molly Pitcher's Ale House to donate.

3. Financial donations- The easiest way to help out in any crisis, is to donate money. The ASPCA is accepting contributions here to help with animal search and rescue.

4. The Humane Society is coordinating animal search and rescue operations. Check here for resources.

5. And finally, keep up with Twitter #sandypets for trending topics on pet rescue!

I hope this proves to be helpful and keep in mind, this is just a tiny selection of all the volunteer opportunities out there. Hop online to learn more about how you can help.

Helping out, in any way, no matter how big or small, is amazing.

For those of you with opposable thumbs, keep on keeping on.


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