Monday, October 29, 2012

Tips to weather any storm.

Hi All,

Libby here.

You know the old adage, the early bird catches the worm? 

Well, this kitty likes to be super responsible so I write my blogs the day before I post them. I like to go back in the next day and make sure that everything I wrote isn't complete garbage.

Well, I was trying to figure out what I would write about yesterday while sitting around the PPAC and all I keep hearing is 'Hurricane Sandy is coming.' 'Frankenstorm is coming.' 

Ever the helpful cat, I've decided to write out a top ten list of Hurricane Safety Tips for you pet owners out there.

1. Stock up on non-perishable food items for your cats and dogs (oh wait...isn't that the very definition of dry food?)
2. While filling your own water bottles, be sure to fill up some extra bottles of water for your pets-they get thirsty in hurricanes too!
3. Move doggy and kitty beds away from windows. Not to fear-monger but windows can be scary places during a storm- keep us safe!
4. Make sure all of our stuffed animals, scratching posts and chew toys are easily accessible. We'll need all the comfort we need!
5. If the storm gets really bad, be sure to keep tabs on us...especially the scaredy cats (I don't mean to insult my own kind but we got the name for a reason). We tend to run and hide and you want to know where we are in case of an emergency.
6. Make sure you have kitty litter. Yup- we still need to go to the bathroom, even in a storm.
7. Give us extra love if the storm gets bad. We frighten easily. Sometimes, even putting a blanket over us will keep us feeling safe if things get scary.
8. Keep miniature flashlights around for us to navigate through the house if the power goes out. No I'm kidding. This would just be impractical. Come on!
9. Give this list to your owners. All of the above will be kind of moot if your owners aren't ready.
10. And the number one tip for braving the hurricane? Don't walk your dogs during the storm! Wee wee pads were invented for a reason!

Til next time,

Be safe. Be smart.


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