Monday, December 19, 2011

'Tis the Season for Lots of Kittens

Hey everybody!

Libby here.

It's Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa time and you know what that means?


I know...that's not really what the holiday spirit is all about but lets be honest. It's at least partially about that right?

But the good news is, it's not a requirement to spend a lot of money on a present.

In fact, do you know a great gift that costs very little? 


And seriously folks, watching your kid or loved one open a box (with airholes of course) and have a tiny little kitten pop up into their arms is just priceless

So sing with me:

Tis the season for lots of kittens
falalala - lalalala
Who wants pairs of cashmere mittens
falalala - lalalala

And the moral of the story is, during the holidays, everyone wants to be loved and surrounded by people they love.

So, shameless plug, ask someone at the PPAC about adopting a kitten (or puppy) for the holidays.

Happy Holidays!


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