Monday, September 3, 2012

A Widdle Kitty

Hi All,

Libby here.

I hope you're all enjoying your Labor Day weekends!

Out of respect for my beloved readers, I decided to not take a complete day off and post today in spite of the fact that everyone else is relaxing and BBQing their summers away. But don't worry about me or anything. I'm just taking one for the team.

As summer winds to a close (tear, sob) I've become reflective on life.

What's it all for? Why are we doing this? What's my higher purpose. ( I know- pretty profound for a cat, right?)

I recently had a situation which reminded me to be thankful for what I have, that of course occurred at my favorite hang out, the PPAC.

We recently had the good fortune to be graced by the presence of one 'Blackie', a tiny widdle kitty who was found abandoned in the great outdoors with two broken legs. He was rescued by two good samaritans and is currently recouping at the PPAC. This little guy reminds me how fragile life can be!

Now you know that I abhor any 'baby' talk when it comes to me and my furry friends but there's kind of no other way to describe this little guy other than 'widdle'. He's just so friggin cute and helpless and I want to pick him up and squeeze his cheeks, OOH! Here he is:
Tell me that's not just the sweetest little thing you've ever seen! 

Anyway, he was abandoned and to be quite blunt, probably wouldn't have made it if not for these generous souls who took pity on his pathetic little self. And that's the sort of thing that makes me appreciate life that much more.

Sorry for the somewhat somber tone of this posting but it's just what's on my mind!

Til next time,


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