Sunday, December 25, 2011

The dreaded UTI

Fellow friends and lovers of all furry creatures,

Libby here.

This week, I have a pretty serious topic I'd like to discuss. The dreaded UTI.

Otherwise known as a Urinary Tract Infection.

Now for those of you who have had the misfortune of experiencing a UTI, you can attest to how completely and utterly miserable they are.

Ok now for a moment, imagine having a recurring one. Yea...Pretty miserable huh?

Welcome to my life. I am the sad recipient of chronic UTI's.

I don't know if you remember but ages ago, when we first started chatting, I spoke about the fact that I have some bathroom issues. More specifically, I have some trouble when it comes to peeing.

Without going into too much gory detail, although the folks at PPAC help me go by squeezing my bladder, the pee sometimes just kinda sits there.

So let's just say that my condition makes me very prone to UTI's.

And this kitty tends to suffer from some discomfort.

I know, wha wha, woe is me.

Not sure why I felt the need to share this little tidbit with you all at this juncture but I suppose it's in part my desire to accrue sympathy points :)

And if any of you out there are sufferers, I know what it's like!

Til next time.


Monday, December 19, 2011

'Tis the Season for Lots of Kittens

Hey everybody!

Libby here.

It's Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa time and you know what that means?


I know...that's not really what the holiday spirit is all about but lets be honest. It's at least partially about that right?

But the good news is, it's not a requirement to spend a lot of money on a present.

In fact, do you know a great gift that costs very little? 


And seriously folks, watching your kid or loved one open a box (with airholes of course) and have a tiny little kitten pop up into their arms is just priceless

So sing with me:

Tis the season for lots of kittens
falalala - lalalala
Who wants pairs of cashmere mittens
falalala - lalalala

And the moral of the story is, during the holidays, everyone wants to be loved and surrounded by people they love.

So, shameless plug, ask someone at the PPAC about adopting a kitten (or puppy) for the holidays.

Happy Holidays!


Monday, December 12, 2011

My Hero!

Hey everybody!

Do you remember Joey? Of course you do. How could you not. He was the love of my life.

Ok more like the love of the week but we were pretty hot and heavy there for a while.

And then I moved on to this other guy for a bit.

Anyway my love life is actually not the focal point of this particular post.

But, Joey is.

And that's because today, Joey "Chestnuts" did a wonderful thing for a fellow feline.

We had a bit of a situation here at the PPAC the other day and Joey came through with flying colors.

A stray kitty came in, very close to meeting the big cat in the sky. He was desperately in need of blood.

And Joey, being the valiant and noble cat that he is, bravely offered up his vein and allowed his blood to be drawn and donated to said kitty in need.

He saved another cat's life!
I'm starting to think it's time to give Joey a second look.

What a guy.

Til next time.
