Monday, February 4, 2013

It's not polite to stare

Hi All,

Libby here,

Not sure if you heard but Dr. S. recently had his second knee replacement surgery. A year and a half ago, he had his left knee done and this time, he had his right knee! He's now firmly on his way to becoming a bionic man.

Other than your love for Dr. S., why am I telling you this information? Well, it's a bit of a warning.

You all know Dr. S. as this robust, healthy individual. Over the next few weeks however, he's going to be looking a bit less er...robust.

He's going to be walking around with a cane. And sitting on a red bar-stool during appointments.

Here's a picture of his knees. You might not be doing so hot either if you'd just had metal inserted into your body in place of bone.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you not to stare. It's not nice.

He'll be up and running again in no time.

And yes, I recognize how this post lacks relevance to animal medicine (specifically). I don't care. Just go with it.

Til next time,


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