Monday, January 14, 2013

Find a kitty, pick it up.

Hi All,

Libby here.

Let me paint a picture for you. You're walking along, minding your own business, when all of a sudden, an adorable cat makes its way into your path. Perhaps you're a bit cautious at first but, when the kitty wends its way in and out of your legs enough times, you realize you're not shaking him off so easily. In fact, the little guy is kind of growing on you. So you take off your coat, scoop the little fella up and take him home with you.

Happy little family, right?

Not so fast!

Let's be honest. You exercise a lot of caution when picking other items up off the street-shoes, clothing, ya know. So why wouldn't you do the same when it comes to a stray animal?

Now, I'm 100% in support of saving stray cats from a life on the streets but, you need to be careful and make sure you're doing everything you need to, in order to insure the safety of both yourself and your pet.

When you take home your new family member, you would be smart to bypass your home and go straight to your vet to check for the following:

1. Ringworm-humans can contract this disease so you want to make sure to treat your new pet before bringing them home.
2. Fleas- This itchy pest can infest both you and your home.
3. Feline leukemia and feline AIDS- both of these diseases can lower your pet's immune response and leave them in harm of contracting other illnesses.
4. Earmites-these bugs are super itchy to your pet so beware!
5. Upper respiratory disease- this can cause your cat to have runny eyes, nose and, in a worst case scenario, can cause the eyeball to rupture.
6. Intestinal parasites- worms and other one cell organisms that can cause severe diarrhea!

Obviously, these various maladies are pretty heavy duty and shouldn't be handled lightly. Once your vet treats any existing conditions and offers preventative care for others, your new pet will be ready to join you at home.

Safety first!

Til' next time,


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